Disrupt Now Popdcast Eps. 91 "Medicinal Mushrooms & Organic natural Health"

Excited to announce my new interview on the Disrupt Now Podcast! This podcast is dedicated to helping people accept,

embrace, and transform through change with host Natalie Viglione. Some of the juicy nuggets you'll hear in my interview with Natalie:

  • Why medicinal mushrooms are a key ingredient to our health (but make sure you don’t have mycotoxin illness!)

    1. The connection of mushrooms to heart health and a substance called statin

    2. How important good soil is and why you must drink the right kind of water

    3. What it means to be an alchemist and the journey to foraging in the wild for our food

    4. Why the things going on in this world right now are not what they seem - STOP FEARING AND START LIVING!

You can find the Disrupt Now Podcast on Spotify, Apple or Google Podcasts & many more platforms! 



Instagram @disruptwithnatalie, or on Pinterest @DisruptNowLifeandBusinessGuide OR @TeamGuCreative
* we are not on any other mainstream social platforms any longer as they censor, and we can't morally support them any longer

Julio Montero